Symfony 2, five quick tips

Hi all, today I am going to share with you five quick, but important tips in Symfony 2 programming.

  1. Use bundles where appropriate, such as to wrap set of reusable functionalities (business logic), reusable services and reusable views. But, don’t over use bundles as this will include unnecessary headache on performance and maintenance in long run.
  2. If you use a functionality in more than five different places, make it as a services function (Service container) . Also you might need to inject varies different services to the services class (Injecting services). In that case make sure you inject starting from the most specific to most generic service. If possible try not to inject big entities such as Container, unless you left out with no other option.
  3. Make the view less brainy. What I mean by that is, let the view (such as twig) to do less work than the Controller. In some rare cases this can be hardly achievable but in most cases you could easily make the view less brainy by doing most of the logical operations inside the Controller, Repository, Services etc. Let the view to render without it doing complex logical operations.
  4. Use Doctrine Queries Language (DQL) to query data instead of Repository class (such as $em->getRepository()) to get the maximum efficiency of your project. If you are querying from one table, using either option won’t make a big difference. But if you are querying varies tables through joins, definitely use DQL.
  5. In terms of security, try not to send parameters in the URL as it is, if possible (including non sensitive parameters). What I mean by that is, if you use URL patterns like this ‘route_to_page/{id1}/{id2}’, encrypt those ‘id1’ and ‘id2’ through a custom encrypt function created by you. Then decrypt (using a custom decrypt function created by you) those ‘id1’ and ‘id2’ in the Controller to continue with your logic.
    (Ideally through an injected services class which contains your security functionalities – How to create and inject services ? )
    See below,


   path: /route_to_page/{id1}/{id2}
   defaults: { _controller: TestBundle:TestingYou:hello } 


 public function TestingYouAction(Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request $request) 
    $id1 = $this->container->get('xyz_security')->xyzDecrypt($request->get('id1'));
    $id2 = $this->container->get('xyz_security')->xyzDecrypt($request->get('id2'));
    //Do your bit

Thank you for reading this quick post. Feel free to drop your thoughts in the comments section below.

Cheers! 🙂


2 thoughts on “Symfony 2, five quick tips

    • Anjana Silva says:

      Hi Rasanga, thank you very much for your feedback. I have amended the point 5 to be more meaningful. Kindly take a look again 🙂 Many thanks.!

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